Thursday 8 February 2018


Every few months there comes an artist that really makes a lasting impression. This sort of thing does not happen all the time. This time around in The Year Of The Dog we found someone, and she is Nat2. 
She has been around for some time but now in 2018 she is coming harder. Nat2 also dropped a mixtape last month. Kim Soo Yeon had a chat with her over the past weekend.  

(translated by Kim Soo Yeon)

Please introduce yourself briefly.
Hello! I am Ae-Jung (Nat2), a rapper who speaks about emotions.

Where in South Korea are you from?
I've been active in Busan, and right now I make music mostly in Seoul.

How did you get your rap name?
"Not the End" constitutes a big meaning of my rap name Nat2.

What made you start rapping?
I guess I was influenced heavily by my mother in my earlier life.

How long have you been rapping?
I began learning how to rap in first grade of high school.

Describe your rapping style.
I do old-school style rap.

What is your main source of inspiration for your lyrics?
Mark Rothko. I personally think of his art as ideal, so I pursue his art style and my artwork is heavily influenced by him.

Are you part of a crew? If so, what is the name of the crew?
No! I don't think I will be in the future as well.

When is your birthday?
May 24, 1997. I was born in the Year of the Ox.

Do you have any siblings?
I have a sister who is 2 years old than me!

What is your favorite Korean food?
My mom's Kimchi-jjigae!

Which rapper do you look up to the most?

Nat2's soundcloud:
Naver Music:

Are you working on new music right now?
I'm releasing a new song next week! It's been a while since I've made it, but I'm lingering over it.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I'll probably hold my own personal exhibition that does not have a curator, and I wish to communicate with many people myself in that exhibition.


(Original Korean Interview)
간단한 자기소개 부탁드립니다.
 안녕하세요! 저는 감정에 대해 말하는 애정(Nat2)입니다.

현재 활동 지역을 말씀해주실 수 있으신가요?
 부산에서 활동하다가 요즘은 주로 서울에서 활동하고 있어요.

현재와 같은 랩네임을 갖게 된 계기가 있으신가요?
 Not the End 의 의미가 제일 많이 담겨있어요!

랩을 하게 된 계기가 무엇인가요?
 어머니의 조기교육(?)인 것 같아요..

랩을 한 지 얼마나 되셨나요?
 고등학교 1학년 때부터 시작했는데 그때는 배우는 단계였어요.

본인의 랩 스타일을 설명해주세요.
 올드스쿨 스타일(?)이에요...

가사를 쓸 때 주로 영감을 어디에서 받나요?
 마크로스코(Mark Rothko). 제가 지향하고 목표로 하는 예술에서 영향을 제일 많이 받고있어요!

현재 속해 있는 크루가 있나요? 있다면 크루 이름이 뭔가요?
 없어요! 앞으로도 아마 없을 것 같아요!

생일이 언제인가요?
 97.05.24. 소띠예요

형제자매가 있으신가요?
 2살 위 언니가 있어요!

가장 좋아하는 한국 음식이 뭔가요?
 엄마표 김치찌개요!

가장 존경하는 래퍼가 누구인가요?
 이센스 입니다!

네이버 뮤직:

현재 작업하고 있는 새로운 곡이 있으신가요?
 다음 주에 공개될 곡이 있어요! 만든지는 꽤 됐는데 지금 약간 뜸들이고 있어요!

5년 후의 본인의 모습은 어떨 것 같나요?
아마도 큐레이터가 없는 개인 전시회를 열어서 많은 사람들과 소통을 하고 있을 것 같아요!

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